An English-Speaking Yeshiva Dedicated to Healthy, Balanced Growth in Torah & Avodas Hashem
Throughout the world, there are countless bachurim who are connecting to the teachings of Rebbe Nachman and finding new inspiration in avodas Hashem. These amazing neshamos yearn to grow in Torah, Tefillah, and Emunah. They want to live a life of fulfillment and happiness – with the strength to overcome the tests of this world.
The purpose of our yeshiva is to provide a home for these bachurim. In this home, bachurim can deepen their knowledge of Mishnah, Gemara, and Halachah. We have a dedicated and supportive staff and a tailor-made curriculum to help bachurim acquire Smichah, Shas, and a true connection to the Torah.
In addition, we have a garden where bachurim can discover insight and understanding in Likutei Mohoran and the ways of chassidus, and receive the amazing spiritual inheritance of Rebbe Nachman, as it has been passed down from generation to generation.
Our Yeshiva Features
Our Yeshiva offers a unique set of benefits that hasn’t been available in any Yeshiva to date.
- Solid Foundation in Gemara & Halacha.
- Rebbe Nachman wanted his students to be both Lamdanim and Tzaddikim.
- An Emphasis on Tefillah, Emunah & Simcha.
- The Yeshiva schedule and environment has been carefully cultivated to foster these critical middos.
- Daily Shiurim on Penimiyus HaTorah.
- Build the necessary skills and knowledge base to develop yourself through in-depth, intensive learning of authentic Chassidus.
- Dedicated & Supportive Staff.
- Experienced and motivated Rebbeim equipped with advanced learning capabilities balanced with real simchas chayim.
- A Beautiful Building in Yerushalayim.
- A comfortable and spacious three floor building providing a great space for high quality learning and spiritual growth right in the heart of the majestic mountains of Har Nof.
- Inspirational Trips to Kivrei Tzaddikim.
- Our Yeshiva utilizes every means available to experience sustained spiritual growth, lasting inspiration, and real camaraderie and brotherhood. Whether inside the Beis Medrash or out, we intend to experience holiness wherever genuine holiness is to be found.
Two Distinct Programs in Harmony
Within this yeshiva, we offer two exceptional programs that cater to diverse needs and backgrounds, each enriching the other through shared experiences.
The Exploration Program
Featuring an equally unique and exciting schedule of daily hisbodedus, inspirational classes on Likutei Mohoran amongst other classic Chassidic sefarim, and the advanced tools for learning Talmud through which every bachur can explore his Jewish roots and build spiritual foundations for the rest of his adult life.
The Exploration Program Rabbeim
R’ David Yisrael Kalmus
Rosh Yeshiva, The Exploration Program
R’ Yochanan Glebocki
Mashgiach, The Exploration Program
R’ Ben Tzion Rothman
Maggid Shiur, The Exploration Program
The Exploration Program Daily Schedule
The Living Torah Program
The Living Torah Program is for bachurim between the ages of 18-24 from religious backgrounds. It has a unique schedule with a solid foundation of Gemara, a focus on Halacha, extraordinary shiurim on Breslov and penimiyus haTorah throughout the day, and time for hisbodedus in the afternoon.
The Living Torah Program gives each bachur the opportunity to expand his knowledge and mastery of the Torah, as well as the spark of chassidus to live a truly inspired Jewish life.
The Living Torah Program Rabbeim
R' Berel Simpser
Rosh Yeshiva, The Living Torah Program
R’ Mordechai Haberfeld
Menahel Ruchani, The Living Torah Program
R' Moshe Leventer
Mashgiach, The Living Torah Program
R’ Shimon Fried
Mashpia, The Living Torah Program
The Living Torah Daily Schedule
Unity in Diversity
The two programs operate independently in separate batei midrash, under the supervision of R’ Dovid Yisrael Kalmus as the Rosh HaMosdos. However, they come together for Thursday night events, Shabbosim, and special trips throughout the year. These shared experiences allow bachurim from each program to benefit from the unique strengths of the other: the frum bachurim gain from the baalei teshuvah’s renewed excitement for Judaism, while the baalei teshuvah are inspired by the knowledge and yiras Shamayim of the frum bachurim.
Together, these programs create a vibrant and dynamic yeshiva environment where every bachur can grow and thrive spiritually.
This is the true path of chassidus of the Baal Shem Tov, who explains that this is why we say “Elokeinu, v’Elokei avoseinu.” On the one hand, a person must be like a baal teshuvah and search for his own unique connection to Hashem (as aspect of “Elokeinu”), while at the same time, he must have a solid foundation of yiras Shamayim as passed down to him from previous generations (“Elokei avoseinu”).
Under the Guidance of Rabbi Nissan Dovid Kivak, Shlita
All of this is under the guidance of Rabbi Nissan Dovid Kivak, shlita, one of the great leaders of the Breslov community today. Rabbi Kivak has been moser nefesh to give countless shiurim over the past fifty years, establish several chedarim, yeshivos, and other institutions, and create tens of successful Breslov communities in Eretz Yisroel and abroad. He has also written many sefarim on the teachings of Rebbe Nachman. His influence and the influence of his talmidim has inspired countless people around the world. Thus, his involvement and direction of The Breslov Yeshiva is an invaluable asset that is the foundation for great success.
Our Dedicated Team of Rebbeim
Our incredibly talented team of rebbeim have extensive experience guiding both bachurim who've grown up religious and ba'alei teshuva who are building a new path of Torah and mitzvos.
Register Now For This Year
Join our incredible family of Talmidim and Rebbeim full of simcha and inspiration.